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Varsity boys soccer season wrap up

By Therin Barnett
November 15, 2022

Coaching for McNary for 21 long years, recently named coach of the year, Mr.Miguel Camarena-Corzo and his soccer team had a great year with 14 wins in a row and was ranked number five at the end of the season.

Despite having an amazing season they still had several close games against Barlow; North and South Salem.

“The only loss we had was versus Gresham, a really good team,” Camarena said.

That team must truly have incredible teamwork and strategy in order for them to beat a team with player of the year Hudson Brunk; and coach of the year Miguel Camarena-Corzo.

But let's also give an honorable mention to Leo Alvarez; Tony Bravo; Jonathan Cortez; Johahn Singh Sanchez; and Oscar Chavez, all of which Camarena thought it prudent for their names to be known.

Camarena says to his players “play hard like there is no tomorrow” he also said “focus on the little details in a game, that will make the difference to win or lose” to his players.

In addition to getting player and coach of the year, the boy’s varsity soccer team at McNary high school had seven total shoutouts; 59 goals in the whole season; a league record of 13-0 (a perfect); and a differential of  plus 45.