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Students prepare to master AP tests

By Tay Chavin

With Advanced Placement tests closing in, students are set to succeed in their own special ways.

Sophomore Joey Elston, who is in AP Human Geography, has been preparing for the test by studying nightly. Elston doesn't believe the class is that hard. “Not really, because I have friends there,” Elston said.

Despite the nightly preparations and the help from friends, Elston doesn't feel entirely ready for the AP test.

Elston joined AP Human Geography by a suggestion. “Everyone said it was the easiest AP class,” he said. One thing he enjoys about the class is the teacher. 

Elston would recommend AP Human Geography to future students. 

Sophomore Aiden Castillo is also taking AP World History. Castillo thinks the class is hard but enjoys the teacher of the class. “My teacher, Burlingame, is a really good teacher,” Castillo said, “I like learning about history and wars.” 

Castillo has been preparing for the test quite a bit. “I got a study guide to review and [go over] notes,” Castillo said. 

Castillo would recommend AP World History to future students if they are willing to do the work.