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Time to warm up for wrestling

By Cain Duncan
December 13, 2023

The warm weather and green leaves are gone, the fog rolls in and Christmas decorations are up, and its time to say goodbye to fall sports and hello to winter sports as a new group of athletes start competing to show their skills.

As December rolls around and the first wrestling tournament has come to a close many wrestlers are ecstatic to get into the brunt of the season and do great things.

The head wrestling coach and McNary English Teacher Mr.Sam Martin is ready for the season as well 

 “ I want to create a competitive environment that all the wrestlers will enjoy,” said Martin

Some big meets and  tournaments to keep an eye on include the North Bend Coast Classic, the boys Vegas Tournament, as well as a California tournament and kelso invite for the girls

Some amazing wrestlers you should keep an eye on include: Derek Jones, Adriann Durkin, and Marlina Martinez

When interviewed the athletes show a lot of excitement for the upcoming season and tournaments and are very close with their teammates

Derek Jones has a goal of being top six at state. He loves the bond wrestling gave him with his  team mates.  

“Some tournaments I’m excited for are the boys Vegas tournament, and Oregon classic is always fun too,” said Jones, “Some good wrestlers I want to shout out is Marlina Martinez and Kailyn Bollman-Lechner”.

Adriann Durkin has a goal to place at Regionals and go to the Cali tournament. Hoping to become more athletic. Durkin loves the team aspect in wrestling and how it helps keep her in shape. She’s excited for the “Lady Dragon Tournament”. 

“Someone I want to shout out is Marlina Martinez because she pushes me to be my best and I’m grateful for her,” said Durkin. 

Marlina Martinez wants to try to be state champion. This year in particular, she gets to wrestle with her sister, Ali Martinez. She’s also very excited for the Cali Tournament.