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The Little Prince comes to the McNary's stage

By Ashley Cannon
October 22, 2022

An interplanetary love story has landed on McNary’s stage.

The Little Prince is currently being performed by the McNary theater department, directed by drama teacher Mr. Tom Cavanaugh.

“This has been my favorite fairy tale for a really really long time. I thought it was really cute,” said thespian, sophomore, Jasmine Miller. “I really like to be in theater.”

Miller is starring as the Prince, along with her co-star Kyra Chirinos playing Rose.


The story follows an aviator who crashes his plane in a desert:  “A strange little dude shows up and he ends up being a prince from another planet, and while the aviator tries to fix his plane the prince is telling all these stories about his travels from planet to planet and all the different people he's met and how he loves his rose,”  Miller said. 

“I usually always do all the backstage stuff in the plays we do in theater, so I thought hey let's at least do one somewhat bigger play to act in before I leave school,” said senior Robert Detwiler.

They will be performing on Oct. 19, 20, at 7 p.m. and Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. in the McNary Ken Collins Theater, as well as performing this production for local elementary schools.