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Teacher Feature: Mr.Lomax

By Serenity Gay
November 20, 2023

Mr. Brad Lomax- who many students know him because of the variety of business based classes he teaches- received a new teaching position and is yet to start. 

Lomax is the new Instructional Mentor taking over for Mr. David Holcomb who had this position last year. He is going to be working with newer teachers enhancing their skills to improve for their classrooms. 

“Im taking over for Mr. Holcomb who had this position last year. An instructional mentor means something different to each building. In our building the first focus that im going to be doing when I start my job is to work with brand new teachers within their second or third year,and helping them with instruction of starting a class, and student engagement activities along with helping them with reading strategies or note taking strategies,” Lomax said. 

Most teachers will come in knowing what to do and how to do it, but may have trouble doing it efficiently or effectively, and that's what Lomax is for.

“A lot of the times teachers come in, and they know the content, but getting that content across to students there are some gaps, and that is going to be my job. To help teachers get the content across to students in the most effective way,” he said. 

Ms. Heidi Tavares the vice principle at McNary thinks Lomax is a great fit and excited to see him take on the new role.

“Mr. Lomax is super positive. He gets along great with staff members, and wants to help them grow as teachers and as educators, so I think hes a great person for the position and I'm excited for him to be able to get started,” Tavares said.

Currently Mr. Lomax is teaching eight different classes all in the business category in the mean time.

“I teach introduction to business which is our first level class. Then there's advanced accounting, and thats the morning brew business where we deliver coffee service for teachers. I also have the school store, and the vending, and the Celtic Cup. We do all those businesses. I also teach a sports and entertainment management class, and that is an event planning class. Then I have sports and entertainment marketing,” Lomax said.