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Needlework Club is sewing to success!

By Elliana Cook
May 13, 2024

 Needlework Club is tailored fit for those ready to challenge the arts of needleworking. The club includes knitting, sewing, crocheting and more. 

 Sophomore Marshall Wilson runs the Needlework Club. He started the club process in the middle of his freshman year. “I had a group of really close friends in my algebra class and we all found a common interest in crocheting, knitting, and sewing. we all just really loved it” Wilson said. 

 Since they were all in algebra together, they decided to form a club with the help of leadership teacher Lexxy Johnson. 

 Needlework club began back in September in biology teacher Kiara Ramsay’s classroom. Since then, many students have been in the club, showing their skills in needlework. “Hopefully someone can expect a place where they can find all the materials they need easily laid out, easy resources, like people, books, tutorials, that’s what I'm expecting from the club personally as I run it” Wilson said. 


 Wilson believes needlework is a great hobby. It keeps his hands busy and distracted and he can create lots of fun things with it. Wilson gave advice to anyone interested in starting. “You need a lot of patience for all of it. It’s such a slow hobby to have and If you’re a fast paced person, I can't say I'd recommend it” he said. 

 Despite the club having many people, their crafting is an individual practice within the club. “We don't do projects together very often. Everyone has their own projects that they make” Wilson said, “occasionally, we will assign projects”. 

 With Spring Fling coming up, Wilson would like his club members to create little knick-knacks to sell at the event. If the items are sold, the money will be put back into the club to buy various club necessities. “We have some charities in mind but cannot list yet” he said. 

 The Needlework Club also offers repair services. “We have a clothing repair service, or any repair service, basically if you bring in a fabric object like a shirt, a bedsheet, something that isn't socks or underwear, we will repair it for you for free because it sucks to get those things patched or sewn up” Wilson said, “you drop it off at Ramsay's (Room 252) and we will hopefully have it done within the week and if you leave contact information we will reach out to you”.

 The club takes place in room 252 every Wednesday afternoon from 3:20 to 4:30. Members are allowed to leave or join earlier if they choose.