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Students in need of a calm space

By Jordyn Cortez‍
June 7, 2024

The quiet room has gotten quieter. 

According to McNary High School Counselor Mrs. Melissa Miller, the quiet room recently closed. However, students can still have a quiet space to clear their minds. 

The room was supervised by Ms. Jessica Grimmer. However, she decided to move on to other employment.

Miller assures students a safe place will still be available for students who need one. “Right now we have been piecing it together,” Miller said. 

The counselors have used their own time to supervise students in the calm room, and they have also used rooms in the guidance office when they are not in use. “So, we just try to find a place to make it work, for now,” Miller said.

Miller said not having the calm room has impacted their work somewhat. “Usually we can find a space for them where we can sit and take that time that they need,” she said. The counselors have to choose which students to spend more one-on-one time with based on their level of concern.

“Before we had the calm room we didn't know any difference. We just had to make it work, and so we are sort of back to that.” 

“We would usually gauge and see if it was something like a ‘I really need to work through something really hard right now.’ Or if it's more of an ‘oh I just need a quiet place to think or whatever,’” Miller said. 

Miller said there are current plans to hire a new supervisor for the quiet room.