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Freshman puzzles together Rubik's club

By Levi Lewis‍
June 10, 2024

Freshman Mikey Karvounis recently succeeded in started a Rubik’s Cube club. “As some people know, I love Rubik’s Cubes,” Karvounis said.

“As I progressed through solving a cube and getting a new one, that gave me a thought. Should I teach people how to solve a Rubik’s Cube?” Karvounis said.

Karvounis believes that starting a club isn’t always easy and that it can take a bit of time.

“Everyone is going to have their ideas of a club, it's all different and that’s good,” he said.

Karvounis believes it’s important to consider the different people who may join the club and their different levels of skill.

Leadership and world social studies teacher Ms. Lexxy Johnson is the club manager and activities director. She said students can fill out a form, find a staff member to advise the club, and then figure out a time and place.