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McNary students are coming back

Erick Gonzalez Diaz
March 9, 2021

(In the picture is Elizabeth Washikala, Finiasi Washikala and Jessica Rist signing into limited person instruction)

As McNary is gearing up slowly to go back to in school education there's many hopes for better times. As times get better McNary is slowly transitioning students back into the building.

Marco Quezada a junior said, “I think that there should be an option to go back to school if Vaccines are still given out”.

McNary student Damian Perez also a junior said “It's great that the school is incorporating a hybrid schedule system to lower the chances of worsening the pandemic. The year has been rough for many students not being able to have hands-on learning, so it will be good for those who need that”.

Librarian and Advisory teacher Mrs. Woodley said “ I am excited,  I want to see the students, I feel like the students need to be back to school in order to be more successful there's a lot of kids struggling, I am so very excited not nervous at all”

Mr. Gloden an English teacher added “It will be interesting to see how many students will optionalize to stay in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) , and how often if ever well have to quarantine.